Crystals For Beginners

Crystals For Beginners

Crystals For Beginners

Have you ever found yourself gravitating towards a crystal? Could you feel the energy it was giving off? Do you now have the desire to collect as many crystals as possible, but you are unsure of where to start? Welcome to the magical world of crystals! Whether it’s their magnetic vibration, physical attractiveness or your desire to begin your unique spiritual journey, you want to start incorporating the harmonious energy of crystals into your life. 

But, where to start?

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most common known crystal, and for good reason. It is widely referred to as the “Master Healer” and is a perfect staple piece for beginners as it works greatly both on its own and to amplify the powers of other crystals. Clear quartz is said to balance one's aura, and it is associated with chakras as it is a cleansing stone, which can enhance thoughts during meditation. Clear crystals in general are also said to stimulate the immune system and balance out the entire body. 


Fluorite is also a great crystal to begin with, as it is thought to enhance spiritual visions and aids in both emotional and physical healing, while also neutralizing negative energy and stress. Fluorite is also said to help tap into one's intuition and is able to form stronger connections with spirits.


Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, pyrite is known to encourage self-recognition and is thought to  help stimulate one's memory and help with  intellect. This crystal is great for beginners as it is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is said to make one feel more control in life.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is well known for grounding and balance, and is said to help with optimism and raising positive vibrations. It is also thought to help with vivid dreaming and enhanced imagination.


Citrine is known to be a great crystal for aligning chakras, and is said to raise positive vibrations, enhances one’s mood. This crystal is thought to aid in self-expression and provide the courage and strength to face difficult challenges in life.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is thought to restore trust and harmony in relationships, promote self-love and self-acceptance, attract new friendships, and aid inner healing and personal growth. This crystal is perfect for beginners, as its message is so important and beneficial to one’s mental health and wellbeing.


Amethyst is known for opening intuition, and is thought to help with grieving, tension, sadness, depression and anxiety. It is also known to help bring inner peace and acceptance. This crystal is great for anyone who has just lost a loved one, or if they struggle with their mental health. Fun fact, amethysts are also thought to relieve headaches! 

These crystals are staple pieces to any crystal collection, especially if you are just starting out! Another important thing to keep in mind when picking out crystals is to purchase ones that you feel connected to, as it may resonate with you and your needs/desires. Make the most of your experience and don’t overthink the process, have fun with it!